Saturday 6 August 2011

The world????

What's happening around the world? Everything is just crumpled. We can barely find peace anywhere. Wars going on in other states or country's. People suffering from poverty. Children in Africa dies everyday because they suffer from hunger. Other's are suffering from natural disasters,  abuse, and many more. The earth is also suffering from green house effects and thinning of the ozone layer and illegal logging and all the pollution man kind has created.

The world is turning upside down especially the people. In this video it show the vulnerability of each person and what made them that way. Mostly its how people look down on them. Honestly I'm not going to say I haven't done it because I have and it was not right and I'm going to change myself. 

To every person out there that feels unappreciated, lonely, small or what so ever. Your not alone many others feel that way even I myself feel insecure sometimes. But there's something about life. Life is never an easy road to take but all of us are only given a chance with it. So the hell with it just enjoy life and whatever mistakes we've made there is no point crying over spilled milk just learn from it.

Girls I know sometimes when you into the mirror you ask yourself who am I. And maybe you think why am I fat or why cant I be pretty or why cant I look like her. In this world no one is ever perfect and those imperfections is what makes all of us special in our own way. And if you like a guy and he wants you to change yourself for him ask him to go to hell. There many fishes in the sea and if the guy likes you he would accept you for who you are. And who you are is someone special that no other person or girl can replace.

Guy's sorry to say this but your just as emotional as girls. You can act as macho as you want but deep down you guys are softer than marshmallow. Guy's you all tend to tune out your feelings all the time and you never want to talk bout it but one day when it reaches the limit its going to explode and you'll feel worst. But you yourselves think that your not worthy for anything after what you have done but the truth is when you feel not worthy of anything its when your worthy of something. 

Everyone has their own talent their own specialty and that makes each an everyone extraordinary but to achieve something that big is to believe. Nothing is impossible if you don't try you don't know. To be good at something is to do it all over and over again. When we learn from our mistakes it's when we grow up to be something. There is never a right time for anything so we have to jump for every opportunity before its to late. Life is something magnificient so we should enjoy what we have and never regret a day that passes by because there will always be a tomorrow.

Bust your windows

When I heard this song it's was exactly what I felt like doing. And I would after all those lies I had enough of your crap...

I guess its time

Well its been almost two months since I last wrote I've been busy with school with events and exams. It's been a really long two months a lot has happened but I picked myself up and its time to move on. And I'm gonna start with my studies and I'm going to achieve for everything I've dream't about....