Wednesday 21 December 2011

Candle Light

That night the wind was blowing really strong. Everyone was tucked into bed fast asleep. Unfortunately in one of the allies a little girl was there shivering. She had no shelter or enough clothes to keep her warm away from the cold. Lena was only 10, she ran away from the orphanage to look for her parents. Till today there was still no hope at all. The only closest memory she has left of her parents is her grandmamma whom had taken care of her till she was 7 and she passed away. All she had left was candles that her grandmamma left her, to her they were magical candles. Once they were lighted unimaginable things happen.

In her mind she was telling herself be strong don’t give up hope don’t give into the cold. It was so dark and the cold started to get colder and colder she couldn’t take it anymore. She had only 5 candles left she had to light up one of them so she would feel warm. When she did the whole alley was lighted up she could see a rainbow starting to appear. Butterflies flying around, flowers blooming and she felt so warm filled joy seeing such beauty. The light couldn’t last for long and went out after a few minutes. Then she felt cold again the wind was getting stronger. She picked the coat that she had and put it around her but still it felt really cold.

She couldn’t help but light another candle but this time something unimaginable really did happen. She saw her grandmamma in the flames and she just couldn’t believe her own eyes. And her grandmamma said “Its ok sweetie. It’s just me everything will be ok I promise”. Lena couldn’t stop blinking her eyes she reached out to touch her grandmamma.
“Grandmamma is that really you?” Lena said as tears started to fill her eyes.
“Yes baby its me.” Her grandmamma said smiling
The light was going off she started to light another hoping that her grandmamma wont disappear. She hurried and her grandmamma was still there the image was getting clearer. Lena said “Grandmamma please don’t leave me again”. “It’s okay Lena. I wont leave I’m going to be just right here.” 
Her eyelids were starting to feel heavy but she didn’t want to close her eyes. She was afraid when she did her grandmamma would disappear.

Then, she lighted more candles because she knew it was because of the cold she was falling asleep. When the last candle was lighted everything was just so bright she could see a tree up ahead with a swing right beneath it. Her grandmamma was calling out to her “Come on Lena. Let’s go everyone is waiting for us. We don’t want to be late.”
“But where are we going Grandmamma? What are we late for?”
“Just follow me Lena. You’ll like it come on.” Her grandmamma reached out for her.
“Give me your hand. You don’t have to suffer anymore. I promise you I will never let go of you again”
“Okay Grandmamma okay.” She took her Grandmamma hand and everything changed she didn’t feel cold anymore. She felt hope she felt so lively. She ran towards the swing with her Grandmamma and sat there swinging. As the wind was rustling through her hair she was at peace.

When dawn set in a man was walking by the alley and he saw a body of a little girl and said “Poor thing she was trying to keep warm with all those candles”. He bent down to check for a pulse but there was nothing “Dear God and it’s the eve of Christmas. She should be given a proper burial.” After that the man called for help and gave Lena the burial she deserved. The most important thing was that she didn’t have to suffer anymore. She was away for hunger, away from pain and away from cold. She was now with her grandmamma in someplace better and happy.