Saturday 28 April 2012

GLEE ^ ^

Okay so glee is in its third season and honestly its always such and inspiration to watch it. The series inspired me in many ways but not that much till recently. As you know I'm only 18 and I got my SPM results last month it was not bad but it had its cons also. The most recent episode was on how Mercedes, Santana and Finn was struggling to find out what they wanted for their future. Well honestly its scary because once you set your mind to it you cant really change it anymore. You can but you'll waste years of studying what you actually didnt want.

These people are my idols. They're inspirational, they are the ones that tell us it's ok if we're not perfect because its the imperfections that makes us special. Mercedes and Santana are my favourite characters I mean the self esteem and confidence that they have is like WOW. It really makes me feel like I'm something special when I'm not and suddenly I'm just proud of how I am today and whatever people want to say about me go ahead as long as I believe in myself I'll be fine.

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