Sunday 13 March 2011

The truth

What does truth really mean?
What good does it do?
When finding out the truth only hurts us more?

People say honesty is the best policy to everything but really what good does it do when it only hurts others. Some truth's are hard to accept some are normal stuff that happens around us.

But what if it's something we never expect to hear? What if it's something that you know could shatter your heart? What are you gonna do after you hear it? What's the next step?

Why and how could a person make those mistakes and not know why they did it? Does it even take that long to answer that question? Is it that hard to understand that you cant find answers to it?

My friends always told me " EASIER SAID THAN DONE " but this is like "EASIER DONE THAN SAID".

So what now? your gonna bail....

When the truth gets out especially the one's we do not want to hear we get mad we tend to say things without even thinking I'm not saying it is correct to do that but we say things we don't mean when were mad and after saying it we really regret it and most of the things we say are not even true were just frustrated and we say anything that comes in mind.

Either way the truth hurts no matter what but still telling truth is better instead of hearing it from someone else and it would be ten times worst.

What I'm trying to say is whatever truth you intend to let out try to understand the person that's trying to absorb whatever you just told them. It isn't easy to accept the truth but sometimes he have to because we love that person no matter what.

Saturday 12 March 2011

A wish to escape reality

The modern world is so urbanize filled with skyscrapers, industrial factories and with the modern technology things are getting more and more counterfeit.

Deforestation's are happening all over the world for development. Nature is being destroyed right in font of our eyes and yet nothing is being done to uphold the law.

Where would we go to enjoy serenity to just get away from the city to relish Gods own creation.........

The world that surrounds us now has changed that we ourselves don't even notice it. Buildings, factories, shopping complex's are being built. We are enjoying all the accommodations while mother earth is being destroyed day by day.

but don't you just wish all this would stop and maybe one day all of us could abandon our work breath in fresh air that is being provided and now the only place we can enjoy that is in the country side surround by mountains

don't you wish we could have all of it here wouldn't it be nice. I think if we have it here all of us would choose to retire earlier.

the environment is becoming more polluted we should play our own roles to help it become a better place to save it from the end of the world

Wednesday 9 March 2011

The future

Some people think of their future as a bright one but I'm scared to death to think bout mine.. I mean all of us can't predict our future we'd have to be psychic to do that.

I do have my goals to achieve but I sometimes think its not enough. I'll always go to my mum and say

me: MUMMY! MUMMY! I wanna be an air stewardess. 
mummy: Go be what u want.
me: MUMMY! MUMMY! I want to be a journalist.
mummy: Okok
me: MUMMY! MUMMY! I want to be an accountant.
mummy: -.-
me: MUMMY! MUMMY! I want to be a chef.
mummy: Cant you just think of one. Make up you mind. JEEZ!

SOBS!!!! I cant think of any. Guess I have to see how everything goes.But my mind is set on being an air stewardess and journalist... Hope its enough for me.

Just to travel around the world to see it to see God's creation is something amazing and maybe somewhere along the way I could write about experiences I have been through and everything will work out to be great

But I guess our future is what we put it to be and soon everything will work out properly

Thursday 3 March 2011

The true meaning of a real family

In the days of today every family is so different some broken some complicated some don't even know what situation there in. Some often say they wish they had no parents no siblings but why?. I totally disagree with whoever said that because to me my family means THE WORLD.


The love and joy that is filled with in these people is enough to make the whole world laugh. We turn to each other whenever we need help but most of all BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER.

My family is my treasure,

My family is my happiness,

My family is my joy and laughter,

and it will be like a fairy tale,

living together happily ever after.

Those smiles that brighten up our days the cheekyness that run in the family or maybe autism hahahahahahahaha

Our loud voices calling out peoples name till the other side of the world could hear it.  -.-

The silly stuff we do in front of the camera


I feel grateful to have a family like this. being far from them is never easy I only get see them once a month or maybe three months once it is hard but whatever it is we'll still remain a family. A happy one forever

signing off,

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Reminds me of me

This song reminds of me of myself looking at the moon trying to see your face and hoping you would do the same.Some people may think I'm nuts but what the hell I miss you. And in the hopes of looking at the moon I wish you would call me and tell me that you just saw my face when you were looking at the moon.