Thursday 3 March 2011

The true meaning of a real family

In the days of today every family is so different some broken some complicated some don't even know what situation there in. Some often say they wish they had no parents no siblings but why?. I totally disagree with whoever said that because to me my family means THE WORLD.


The love and joy that is filled with in these people is enough to make the whole world laugh. We turn to each other whenever we need help but most of all BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER.

My family is my treasure,

My family is my happiness,

My family is my joy and laughter,

and it will be like a fairy tale,

living together happily ever after.

Those smiles that brighten up our days the cheekyness that run in the family or maybe autism hahahahahahahaha

Our loud voices calling out peoples name till the other side of the world could hear it.  -.-

The silly stuff we do in front of the camera


I feel grateful to have a family like this. being far from them is never easy I only get see them once a month or maybe three months once it is hard but whatever it is we'll still remain a family. A happy one forever

signing off,

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