Wednesday 7 September 2011

Back to blogging

Well it feels like its been a year since I last wrote but it s only been a month I guess. Been busy studying because trials was gonna start soon. I can tell you that it definitely was like going through labor not that I experienced it before or what so ever but it has hard especially add math. My god it was like drilling my brains out. I'm planning to ace my English, Math and Science paper though hope I did well.

Apart from all that everything has been just okay. Didn't really go out during the Raya holidays stayed at home mostly. But I still had a last paper after the holidays which is accounts but I didn't really study. Instead i started reading story books again because of my mother telling how me good they were and they were too irresistible to resist. So I read about five books in less than a week and by Saturday I started studying again.

The paper was just okay. Been dying to write had a lot of ideas but whenever I forget to write them down I seem to forget all about it. I've been writing a lot of poems lately but I never did posted any maybe these few days I'll post them up. Anyways I got to go. Take care peeps.

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