Tuesday 13 September 2011

Dumper or Dumpee

Okay here it is, in life everyone is given an opportunity to do whatever they please. From being happy, to moving on and many other examples but there’s this little thing that I choose to talk about today. It’s not exactly that little but this whole month there’s a lot of it that has been going around and that is either being the dumper or the dumpee. I’m sure no one likes to be the dumpee they rather be the dumper.

What I can say is that being the dumper may sound like it’s an easy job. Honestly to tell you the truth it’s not, well for me it’s not because when I’m the dumper my friends will go like….

Why did you even dump him? He’s such a sweet guy.


Why did you even started a relationship with him when you know it’s not going to last long?


Didn’t I tell you not to break his heart? He’s the only guy that I know that treats his girlfriends well.

And many many more trust me when it continues longer it’s irritating. Okay to break the news to you people have their own reasons to why they end the relationship. Some reasons are good some are bad. The good thing is that maybe they just didn’t suit each other so it didn’t last long and they end it earlier then endure it till god knows when. The bad thing is that you leave them for someone else such hypocrisy I might say. By being the dumper somehow its like were responsible for what happens to our ex’s and trust when you think you got everything under control that’s the time when they do unexpected things. So always be aware of what’s going on or not your going to be in deep shit.

As for being the dumpee GOD! That’s hard and whoever is going through that now honestly I know how you feel. For dumper’s they never felt what it’s like to be dumped and when they do they’ll realize how much it actually hurts. When they do it’s too late to even say sorry. Maybe being in a relationship that doesn’t have much connection makes it easy to just go our separate ways but just imagine those who have chemistry at the first sight. The most disappointing thing is when we know we have chemistry with that person but do they know there’s chemistry? We always need two hands to clap not one. Just when we thought that everything is just so great we get dumped and the world just tumbles.

To you the world seems like its crumbling and everyone around you will be like….

Are you ok? What happened?


Why aren’t you telling me anything? I’m your best friend.


Stop crying! You look like a freaking maniac.

Trust me that happens, well besides that being the dumpee was never easy and sometimes we just need time to absorb everything and for some it’s not easy especially our first loves. I use to talk to my mother about all of this after my first love and she told me the scariest thing of all which is that you will never forget your first love. At first I was afraid I didn’t understand it but as time passed I understood everything. Well to me maybe it’s because that is the first time we ever felt love and it made us feel special in everyway. We felt needed, loved, cared for and everything else in the world didn’t seem to matter. When the relationship ends it’s like we feel useless and not safe at all.

For some we need time to let things mend and we’d rather keep it to ourselves first then to let everyone know because the more you tell the more questions your going to have to answer. At that time it’s never a great solution because it’ll only hurts us more.

Life is said to be never easy that we have to go through all types of obstacles but it only makes us learn more. About the dumpee and dumper well if you’re the dumper do what you think is right for both sides and not be selfish about the decision. Do it for the greater good of both parties and don’t care about what people might say because they’re not in your shoes. For the dumpee’s well I know everything seems uneasy and impossible well its not all you need is time and nothing is impossible if you have the determination to try. Life is always the greatest gift that God has given to us and why should we waste it enjoy it. Have fun so what if they’re obstacles we can overcome anything if we just put our mind to it.

To the one’s who are in a relationship just enjoy the present don’t think about the past or the future. Just enjoy being in each other’s arms. Be sincere to yourself to your heart and everything will be just as magical. Well I’m afraid that’s all for now. See you later peeps.

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