Sunday 18 September 2011

Confession of a teenage heart

When a heart tells us we really like someone, we wont stop thinking about it. Love is always strong sometimes its like a magnetic force longing to stick together for as long as it can hold. To tell a person that you like them is never easy maybe on a text or e-mail or letter seems like a good way to start. Face to face its different you get to see all types of emotion the only fear we have is rejection.

A heart  can only bare so little but willing to go the distance. We'll do whatever it takes to not let the truth come out but somehow we cant restrain ourselves. When the truth does comes out we feel scared, nervous or we'll be freaking out every single time we see the person. Under all that we feel relief in some way because its all out in the open. 

Adults say teenager's know nothing about love but who does? Mostly for teenagers its called puppy love, we cant predict whats going to happen in the future so we only enjoy the present. Being in love can be like magic because every single time we see that person we feel like there is butterflies flying in our stomach. seeing the smiles in there eyes really makes you feel like melting. Maybe its to soon to fall in love but its time to create mistakes and from those mistakes we can learn to be better. The hell with the future it is coming nearer and nearer but while waiting for it we should just enjoy.

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