Friday 10 February 2012

Blood, Sweat and Tears?

Okay so it doesn't really take blood or tears to finish a job but maybe a little sweat. So, I've started working at a pet shop for about a week now. It seems okay normal routine daily my only off day is on Saturday. You know adults say " When you start working you wish that you can go back to school." Trust me people it's true I really do wish I was back in school . It's like even though you just sit there and do nothing when you go home it like you just got your life energy sucked out of you. Even if you sleep for a solid eight hours it's still not enough. The sad thing about going to work is like you noticed something and you say to yourself "I'm growing up there's no more turning back now. No more secondary school, no more school uniform, no more extra large school bags that weighs like a ton. There still is college or university but I think that right now is the right time to jump to every opportunity and to gain every experiences to explore the world if possible because if we start college and everything our lives get set into a place. It's like after college it's a job interview, after a job interview is a real job. You'll barely have time to do anything then because your so dedicated to your job. 

So, back to the topic ( typical me always going out of the topic ) working is easy as long as you have a plan. to finish an assignment is easy as long as you have the determination and your mind set to it then it wont be a problem. For it to really take Blood, Sweat and Tears well then you must really have a hard life. Or maybe your just to stress take some time off to indulge yourself to whatever may please you. At first working might seem to be that easy maybe your first day at work may be a little out. But after a few days you'll get the hang of it and everything will be smooth sailing. Stick to what you know and stick to what is right and you wont get lost.

Look at me talking making as if I know everything about working. Well I did work for a week already. Okay Okay maybe it's not that much of experience yet but at least I'm doing something and not just sitting at home doing god knows what. Working is going to be something real different but nothing beats your first pay check. 

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