Monday 6 June 2011

Love Letter

Have you ever wonder what it feels like to find a love letter a handwritten love letter taking back to 40 or 50 years wouldn't it be wonderful. Nowadays love letters are sent on a text, an email or maybe even fax, to find a handwritten love letter is really rare. But to read a letter written by someone you love so much it feels so over-whelming to read it, it's like you feel like its written with so much passion and and I just don't know how to put it in words.

When you touch that letter you feel like he wrote that for me these are his writings and it's him. It's like it sends an electric wave through you but the best thing is that you can keep it for as long as you want and in future when you look at it, it reminds you of  why you fell in love the first place. It puts a smile on your face and its a smile not willing to fade. Modern technology has upgraded everything that we don't see how much were really missing on.

If those words of passion are written on a text who knows how long it'll last if your phone breaks down it'll be gone just like that. For me I like to hear stories that my grandmother tells me stories about how it was like when she feel in love, about her first love and her still maybe having photo's of him I find it cute. All of it was real and to hear about then and now everything is just so different. I'm sorry boys but the guy's in the past they sound like gentlemen real gentlemen with so much dedication for a girl.

Is just that when you see anyone talking about their first love you see them blank into space but when they speak its like your there with them they recall every moment of it and to see that sparkle in there eyes is just something so magnificent. I guess what I'm trying to say is that to have something that reminds you of that first time you ever felt love is really wonderful. A love letter is something extraordinary where when you read it you just feel like your back there again and those words really touch you and it's something that you cant even describe with words. 

Well I guess love is love and it's always amazing.

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