Wednesday 1 June 2011

Seeing eye to eye

Have you ever wonder how it feels when you look into the eyes of someone you love. Does it feel weird? Is it awkward? Will there be sparks? How am I going to feel?

If you ask me I don't know how to explain how it feels but it's really an extraordinary feeling. I may or may not have fallen in love before but watching all sorts of love stories proves a lot. Love is something really powerful the whole universe evolves around it don't tell me no one ever feel in love before. I'm sure everyone went through it once.

Looking into those eyes you feel at peace, you feel so safe, you feel like this is it, everything and everyone around just disappears its just you and that someone and those eyes to you it shows the real person the one that you know the one that you believe in is just right in front of you and that question pops into your head. What am I going to do?

Well you know what those kinda eyes are worth looking at for as long as it will last ( hopefully forever ). The future don't even think about it the heck with it you have the present enjoy every moment of it don't let it come to an end. Create amazing memories worth remembering and all of it will just fall into place.

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