Thursday 26 May 2011

Finally It's Over

OH MY GOD!!!!!!! finally exams are over three long weeks of studying and headache. Finally everything is over... I know I know SPM is not here yet so technically it's not over. But this whole three weeks has been a bore always studying. Study at home, in school, during recess, in between exams, at night before sleeping... my god everywhere I go there's a book in my hand.

Especially the last week is full of hard subject's it's like OMG it's literally drilling my head or even worse feels like I'm in labour.... and again I know I've been pregnant so I wouldn't know the pain but I guess it's something like that.

Teacher: How was the exam?
Student: The question was frustrating.
Teacher: Why? It must be you didn't study or you didn't understand the question.
Student: No it was the other way around the question didn't understand me at all.

Exams.... Exams.... Exams.....Exams....Exams....
Glad we could take a break for a few days before we have to study again if not I think I need to be admitted into a mental ward. Well that's all I have for today... Ciao peeps....

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