Monday 23 May 2011

Batu Caves

Since it was the holidays my family and I decided to to take a trip this time it was Batu Caves. It's a really beautiful monument for history to be kept that way its a really lucky thing and for you guys who have not been there your really missing out on something extravagant. Well a lot happened on that day one of it was that my mum fainted didn't know how that happened because she was ok the whole time.... well here are some photo's

its a pond I started taking photo's don't know why just felt excited I guess

this is Murugan its an indian God ( well obviously it is why am i even saying it for )

Imagine climbing up those steps when your afraid of heights I don't it'll be good idea because I did it and my legs were numb but I still manage to climb all the way up

View from the top.... taking that photo was not easy standing near the steps makes me feel like I was going to fall forward

See what I mean

see I told you she was ok

Beautiful right just looking up it takes your breath away..

Family photo at the bottom ( obviously I was taking the picture thats why I'm not in it )

my uncle chasing pigeons

First my mum.....

then me we got henna.....

got one on my back to.... YAY!!!... ( its ugly coz its dried up it pretty once you wash it off )

lunch..... lunch.... lunch..... yum................. yum........ mouth watering......

hmm.... which one should I pick... hahahah

mummy always in a rush to finish everything..... haiz

why you taking photo's for mad woman.... coz i want to....

There is still lots of photo's lazy to upload it here so just go to my Facebook and there's more there well anyways I gtg have to study.... Ciao people

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