Thursday 5 May 2011

The sky

It has been awhile since I last posted something maybe almost a month I guess a lot has happened some bad some good but life is just always full of those stuff.

During the weekend my family and I went to Port Dickson and stayed there for a night. The trip there was not that long it only took us about 40 minutes or so but it was so hot. By the time we got to the apartment it was 4 plus we unpacked got settled I for once was helping my grandmother plug in the DVD player * she and her Korean dramas. Then I went into one of the room's was doing some revision for history.

After 7 I started helping my dad fry some mihun then we brought the food down to the beach to have a barbecue. While waiting for the food to get ready my little brother, his friend and I went down to the beach to just walk around enjoy the view. All you could hear was the sound of laughter, loud music playing, barbecue pits sizzling and all of that made me feel at peace its like everyone is just enjoying their lives just the way they're suppose to be.

We went up to the shore for dinner had sausages, chicken, lamb, fish and lots more but still their was a lot of people so we had to share before going for second round we head to the beach again. This time we went crab hunting we had no torchlight so we had to use the flash from my uncle's phone. It was so fun we saw small little fishes, prawns, seaweed, and there was once we saw a mantis prawn tried to catch it but it swam away. we managed to catch some crabs but it was small .

Tired from running around and screaming when fishes swam over my feet or crabs running across them I decided to lie down on the sand to my surprise I didn't even bother if sand got into my hair. Laying down on the sand I looked up and I saw stars all over the sky it was so magical we rarely get to see those kinds of views in the city because of all the light distracting us. I continued looking up trying to find stars like orions belt and much more. Then suddenly I got the feeling like the stars were smiling at me. It made my heart feel so warm and fuzzy. When I looked around it was like today is the happiest day I had these past two months and
I was so happy.......

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