Saturday 7 May 2011


Walking down an unfamiliar path going to place that I have never been before. What is on the other side I ask myself. Everything is just so bright. Looking back I can see happiness but all of it are suppose to be memories and it should stay that way. Now's the time to create new one's with a more daring spirit. To reach the unreachable to think the unthinkable to finally achieve something big in life. The most beautiful thing bout it is that God will always be with us through every step we take and the holy spirit to guide us.

In the church yesterday when I walked towards the altar that's how I felt and it's the most greatest feeling ever. After getting slapped from the bishop ( or so what people say ) I felt so happy that I just wanted to shout or scream or jump but I didn't dont worry. Taking my seat I looked at my friend's and I felt so happy that I was about to cry it's like all of us waited so long for this day and it's here right now and to see the smiles on their faces its something magical.

Right now I feel so happy, my heart feels so light not even a tiny bit sadness and I feel glad that I choose this path and i'm never going back on my word and from today I promise to become a better person. A person  that I know I can be.

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