Thursday 26 May 2011

Finally It's Over

OH MY GOD!!!!!!! finally exams are over three long weeks of studying and headache. Finally everything is over... I know I know SPM is not here yet so technically it's not over. But this whole three weeks has been a bore always studying. Study at home, in school, during recess, in between exams, at night before sleeping... my god everywhere I go there's a book in my hand.

Especially the last week is full of hard subject's it's like OMG it's literally drilling my head or even worse feels like I'm in labour.... and again I know I've been pregnant so I wouldn't know the pain but I guess it's something like that.

Teacher: How was the exam?
Student: The question was frustrating.
Teacher: Why? It must be you didn't study or you didn't understand the question.
Student: No it was the other way around the question didn't understand me at all.

Exams.... Exams.... Exams.....Exams....Exams....
Glad we could take a break for a few days before we have to study again if not I think I need to be admitted into a mental ward. Well that's all I have for today... Ciao peeps....

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Pains In Life

Looking at the people around me everything feels so dull. My family, friends,frenemies and strangers. Everything feels so odd so different those smiles just doesn't seem right there is something behind it and its pain. You know sometimes when we have those days where everything is just so dark and all and what we think is that were the only ones that feels that way but truthfully most of us has been through it and we just put on smiles to hide the pain.

Sometimes we feel like we need to talk to somebody but we cant say anything because we don't want that somebody to judge us. So we just keep quiet but what we never know is that the pain inside of us is just eating us making us feel even worse about ourselves like for me I talk to my mum and it helps it feels like getting thousands of blocks of my chest.

I know pain is never and easy thing to deal with trust me I know but life is never easy even though it is it'll only be for a moment to me it's like life has many obstacles and there's more to come maybe whats happening now is just to get us ready for what's really coming. It's ok to cry, scream or shout when you feel like it but doing unimaginable things is never an option it'll only make everything worst. It doesn't make you feel better it makes you feel like crap. 

Hey, like I said life is never easy but be happy that your given a chance to see the world with your own eyes. Enjoy your life while your still here it's never to late..... 

Monday 23 May 2011

Batu Caves

Since it was the holidays my family and I decided to to take a trip this time it was Batu Caves. It's a really beautiful monument for history to be kept that way its a really lucky thing and for you guys who have not been there your really missing out on something extravagant. Well a lot happened on that day one of it was that my mum fainted didn't know how that happened because she was ok the whole time.... well here are some photo's

its a pond I started taking photo's don't know why just felt excited I guess

this is Murugan its an indian God ( well obviously it is why am i even saying it for )

Imagine climbing up those steps when your afraid of heights I don't it'll be good idea because I did it and my legs were numb but I still manage to climb all the way up

View from the top.... taking that photo was not easy standing near the steps makes me feel like I was going to fall forward

See what I mean

see I told you she was ok

Beautiful right just looking up it takes your breath away..

Family photo at the bottom ( obviously I was taking the picture thats why I'm not in it )

my uncle chasing pigeons

First my mum.....

then me we got henna.....

got one on my back to.... YAY!!!... ( its ugly coz its dried up it pretty once you wash it off )

lunch..... lunch.... lunch..... yum................. yum........ mouth watering......

hmm.... which one should I pick... hahahah

mummy always in a rush to finish everything..... haiz

why you taking photo's for mad woman.... coz i want to....

There is still lots of photo's lazy to upload it here so just go to my Facebook and there's more there well anyways I gtg have to study.... Ciao people

Friday 20 May 2011

What am I suppose to write again???????



Sunday 15 May 2011

It's been ages

Its been God knows how long since I've seen this movie I still remember when I was in year 5 or 6 when I started watching it I just couldn't stop and no matter how many times I've watched it, it will always get to me   ( to those who haven't watched your seriously missing out on a fantastic love story )
but what can I say most of the novels Nicholas Sparks wrote is breath-taking. This was just so WOW wonder if reality would ever turn out that way. For a guy like Landon carter ( a.k.a Shane West ) to have so much love and care to look after Jamie Sullivan ( a.k.a Mandy Moore ) is just so OMG. He had so much patience and he cared for her so much. Is there any guy out there who is like that.....

Yup I know so loving right if and only we could have that fairy tale.
well fellow readers that's all  I have for today...

Saturday 7 May 2011


Walking down an unfamiliar path going to place that I have never been before. What is on the other side I ask myself. Everything is just so bright. Looking back I can see happiness but all of it are suppose to be memories and it should stay that way. Now's the time to create new one's with a more daring spirit. To reach the unreachable to think the unthinkable to finally achieve something big in life. The most beautiful thing bout it is that God will always be with us through every step we take and the holy spirit to guide us.

In the church yesterday when I walked towards the altar that's how I felt and it's the most greatest feeling ever. After getting slapped from the bishop ( or so what people say ) I felt so happy that I just wanted to shout or scream or jump but I didn't dont worry. Taking my seat I looked at my friend's and I felt so happy that I was about to cry it's like all of us waited so long for this day and it's here right now and to see the smiles on their faces its something magical.

Right now I feel so happy, my heart feels so light not even a tiny bit sadness and I feel glad that I choose this path and i'm never going back on my word and from today I promise to become a better person. A person  that I know I can be.

Thursday 5 May 2011

The sky

It has been awhile since I last posted something maybe almost a month I guess a lot has happened some bad some good but life is just always full of those stuff.

During the weekend my family and I went to Port Dickson and stayed there for a night. The trip there was not that long it only took us about 40 minutes or so but it was so hot. By the time we got to the apartment it was 4 plus we unpacked got settled I for once was helping my grandmother plug in the DVD player * she and her Korean dramas. Then I went into one of the room's was doing some revision for history.

After 7 I started helping my dad fry some mihun then we brought the food down to the beach to have a barbecue. While waiting for the food to get ready my little brother, his friend and I went down to the beach to just walk around enjoy the view. All you could hear was the sound of laughter, loud music playing, barbecue pits sizzling and all of that made me feel at peace its like everyone is just enjoying their lives just the way they're suppose to be.

We went up to the shore for dinner had sausages, chicken, lamb, fish and lots more but still their was a lot of people so we had to share before going for second round we head to the beach again. This time we went crab hunting we had no torchlight so we had to use the flash from my uncle's phone. It was so fun we saw small little fishes, prawns, seaweed, and there was once we saw a mantis prawn tried to catch it but it swam away. we managed to catch some crabs but it was small .

Tired from running around and screaming when fishes swam over my feet or crabs running across them I decided to lie down on the sand to my surprise I didn't even bother if sand got into my hair. Laying down on the sand I looked up and I saw stars all over the sky it was so magical we rarely get to see those kinds of views in the city because of all the light distracting us. I continued looking up trying to find stars like orions belt and much more. Then suddenly I got the feeling like the stars were smiling at me. It made my heart feel so warm and fuzzy. When I looked around it was like today is the happiest day I had these past two months and
I was so happy.......