Tuesday 24 May 2011

Pains In Life

Looking at the people around me everything feels so dull. My family, friends,frenemies and strangers. Everything feels so odd so different those smiles just doesn't seem right there is something behind it and its pain. You know sometimes when we have those days where everything is just so dark and all and what we think is that were the only ones that feels that way but truthfully most of us has been through it and we just put on smiles to hide the pain.

Sometimes we feel like we need to talk to somebody but we cant say anything because we don't want that somebody to judge us. So we just keep quiet but what we never know is that the pain inside of us is just eating us making us feel even worse about ourselves like for me I talk to my mum and it helps it feels like getting thousands of blocks of my chest.

I know pain is never and easy thing to deal with trust me I know but life is never easy even though it is it'll only be for a moment to me it's like life has many obstacles and there's more to come maybe whats happening now is just to get us ready for what's really coming. It's ok to cry, scream or shout when you feel like it but doing unimaginable things is never an option it'll only make everything worst. It doesn't make you feel better it makes you feel like crap. 

Hey, like I said life is never easy but be happy that your given a chance to see the world with your own eyes. Enjoy your life while your still here it's never to late..... 

1 comment:

  1. i wonder what happened and what made you wrote this one :) but then nice article.
